Is Custom Framing Worth the Extra Money?

custom framing

Custom framing is often considered the last resort when all else has been tried. But, is custom framing worth it? It is important to understand how custom framing works before you even attempt it. So, let us take a look at how custom framing works.

The true value of custom framing is certainly worth it. Some people believe that a framer is simply 4 wooden sticks held together by some cardboard. While technically this is correct, the actual frames used are far more than that. First off, the woods used are not only common pine from your lumberyard, it is also of many different species.


There are three types of materials that can be used to make up custom-made frames. They are wood, acrylic, and fibreglass. Each material has its properties, but they are combined in such a way that makes them useful for making up a custom framed picture. For example, a wooden frame will usually consist of two pieces, while an acrylic frame may consist of four. The thickness of the wall where the picture is to be framed is also taken into consideration, and if your wall is thin, you will need to use thinner acrylics which will be less noticeable.

How is the Picture Framed?

Sometimes it is a simple matter of placing one piece over another. For instance, if you are putting a family photo on the wall then you would put a piece of wood directly across from the other side. In this way, you would have two frames which would match.

Another type of custom framing is where the artist or designer will work directly with the customer, creating a piece of artwork which is to be framed. Often this means that the designer will draw out the design and then work with the customer to determine how best to frame the piece. This is referred to as “framing the work” rather than doing it “by yourself”.

Can Glass be Custom Framed?

Yes. It is not uncommon to find beautiful photographs framed in the style of a favourite photograph. If you want something completely original that is worth framing then consider having your photograph framed by having it framed by hand using a glass mat. This will usually be more expensive than purchasing a ready-made frame, but it is certainly unique and is worth looking at.

custom framing

Why is a Custom Frame More Expensive?

The cost is generally determined by the size of the custom frame. The larger the piece, the more expensive the custom framing is likely to be. You may also have to pay for the labour of having the artist do the framing job. This can be a labour of love, as many people enjoy taking photos and framing them themselves.

Custom framing is an interesting topic. While it is possible to do it yourself and save some money if you choose to have professional framing done it is going to be more expensive. However, if you are taking photos, which are rare, very collectible or you are framing an expensive piece of art, it may well be an enjoyable way to get a nice frame for your photo’s.

How is Custom Framing Beneficial to You?

Many people do not own a lot of stock photography and this means that they may not want to waste their hard-earned money on buying expensive frames. For these people, it is worth considering buying a photo frame rather than paying out for a whole new picture frame every time they take a picture. Custom framing is also an excellent idea if you often take pictures which you plan on storing for years and would like to keep the picture framing as good as possible.

Is it Worthwhile to Spend Money on Custom Framing?

If you want to make sure that you get an excellent frame, then it is probably worth spending a bit extra on it. Many people buy expensive items such as computers or phones on credit, so it makes sense to spend a bit extra on something that you know is going to last that long, especially if you think that you may not ever use it. It is also worth checking out how much extra it is going to cost to replace your expensive item if it does break down or become damaged. If you spend a bit extra now, it is likely to save you money in the future as well. It is important to remember that you will have to replace expensive items that are damaged, so it pays to be careful.

There are a few different types of glass which can be used to frame photographs, and there are a few different types of wood that can be used for the glazing of these glasses. You should consider all of these options before making a choice. The internet is a great way to learn more about the different types of material which can be used for framing, and you will be able to find a lot of information about all of these things. If you want to learn more about glazing, the internet is a great place to visit for more information.

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